This site contains market research and analysis covering new theory, new product ideas, case studies, and use cases from around the world, and delivers the following products and services.

- The Telco 2.0 Executive Briefing Subscription Service - a comprehensive ongoing premium service for strategists and decision makers leading strategy, innovation, and business model change. It comprises a searchable online database of 300+ reports plus c.25 new reports a year, plus analyst support (described further below, current reports here, and agenda here).
- Four in-depth research streams on Telecoms Transformation, Dealing with Disruption, Enterprise Cloud and ICT, and the Future of the Network. Each stream publishes c.10 new reports a year, and has a database of between 30 and 100 reports (please follow the links for more details of current content and agendas).
- Plus the Telco 2.0 Transformation Index - the world's first benchmark of future telecoms business models.
Free Research and White Papers - an introduction to Telco 2.0 and business model innovation principles, including selected introductory Telco 2.0 reports and curated 'white papers' (more here).
- Stimulus Presentations and output from the New Digital Economics events, accessible only to Brainstorm Alumni and subscribers to the Executive Briefing service.
Selected Themes
Research across the portfolio is grouped against certain hot topic areas for ease of cross-reference:
To find out more please email or call +44 (0) 207 247 5003.
Telco 2.0™ Analyst Support
Membership of the subscription services entitles access to Telco 2.0™ analysts. Typical uses of the analyst service are to validate assumptions, double-check initial ideas, and discuss hypotheses.
N.B. The Analyst Support service works in advance by arrangement rather than as a 24/7 phone service as our Analysts frequently travel and occasionally have to write research reports! We try to accommodate all client requests but apply reasonable use policies to this service within our overall relationship with our clients and will agree in advance where work falls outside of the Advisory Support service.
Areas that fall outside this service and more complex projects can be undertaken as Consulting activities.
Packages and Prices
N.B. VAT Applies to UK purchases.
To join, please email or call +44 (0) 207 247 5003.