Executive Brainstorm & Innovation Forum
12-13 June, 2012, Grange St. Paul's Hotel, London
New Business Models and Growth Opportunities in a Hyper-Connected World

Post Event Downloads & Analysis
This page contains copies of all available stimulus presentations from the New Digital Economics Executive Brainstorm and Innovation Forum which took place on the 12-13 June 2012 at the Grange St. Paul's Hotel, London (agenda here).
NB You will need to log in with the username and password details we emailed you to download the presentations. Please email us or call +44 (0) 207 247 5003 for any other queries.
Next Steps
Feedback: Thank you for participating at the New Digital Economics executive brainstorm last week. We’ve had a great response from many delegates, but we’d really value your personal feedback & thoughts. Please email the Events Manager: with your responses to the questions below:
- What did you particularly like about the event? Why?
- How could we improve it in the future? Why would this be useful?
- What topics would you be interested in us addressing at our upcoming events (see next events below)? Why?
- Updates on market developments: We will keep you updated via our newsletter, or see
More in-depth research and analysis: The Telco 2.0 Executive Briefing subscription research service provides more detailed analysis on many of the issues raised by the event, details here. (Discounts are available for event alumni).
- Next events: Our next events are listed here. We will be back in London in April 2013.
NB: Please remember that, as per the terms and conditions of participating at the event, this site is for your personal use only - please do not share access to it with anyone else. Also please do not re-use any content without the permission of the author. Please email us to seek this permission, or with any other questions or ideas at this address: .
Click the links below to view the speaker presentations from each event.