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Telco 2.0 Citations Policy

Members of the press

Members of the press may re-use Telco 2.0™ material published on public websites (i.e. those which are not password protected) provided that:

  • all portions of text identify Telco 2.0™ as the source
  • the Telco 2.0™ copyright statement is affixed to all graphics. Telco 2.0™'s copyright statement is: © Telco 2.0™ 2009
  • when quoting, the Telco 2.0™ Initiative should be named in full with a link to if published online.

Clients / Non-clients

Telco 2.0™ material published on public websites (i.e. those which are not password protected) may be cited provided that:

  • all citations must be accurate, quoted verbatim, and/or duplicated without being manipulated, adapted, paraphrased or summarised and they must not be used out of context
  • any quote or extract must be from research published within the last three months; quotations from research published prior to that timeframe require verification and approval
  • when quoting, the Telco 2.0™ Initiative should be named in full with a link to if published online.
  • the Telco 2.0™ copyright statement must be affixed to all graphics (diagrams, graphs and/or tables). Telco 2.0™'s copyright statement is: © Telco 2.0™ 2009.
  • Telco 2.0™ research is proprietary to Telco 2.0™ and subject to copyright and property protections
  • commercial use of the research is prohibited.

Telco 2.0™ material published on password protected areas of websites, or by PDF or any other paid or licenses means, are subject to the terms of use associated with the licenses.

When do you need approval to re-publish material from Telco 2.0™ public websites?


  • may reproduce a diagram, graph or table for use in marketing collateral, provided that all citations adhere to the general rules outlined above
  • should seek approval from Telco 2.0™'s Marketing team where a verbal quotation or written material is intended for use in any form of marketing collateral or publicly available information, or where reproduction and/or distribution of the research is required.


  • should seek approval to cite any of Telco 2.0™'s material for any use.

How to get approval

Please present all requests to Telco 2.0™'s Marketing team via :

  • all requests to use quotations, graphs, diagrams and/or tables should be submitted in their final media vehicle, eg. press release, marketing materials, presentation, etc
  • all of the elements in the above guidelines should be included for approval (copyright statement, source, attribution, etc)
  • we will work with you to provide approval within three business days on receipt of your request.

All content is copyright Telco 2.0™ 2006-9.