Recent Articles in Strategy & Finance
Strategy 2.0: The Six Key Telco 2.0 Opportunities
Jul 19, 2011
A summary of the six Telco 2.0 opportunities to transform telco's business models for success in an IP-based, post PSTN world: Core Services, Vertical Solutions, Infrastructure Services, Embedded Communications, 3rd Party Enablers, and Own Brand OTT Services. It includes an extract from the Roadmap to New Telco 2.0 Business Models, updates on latest developments, and feedback from over 500 senior TMT industry execs. (July 2011)

M2M 2.0: Market, Business Models, and Telcos' Role(s)
Jul 13, 2011
Our latest report on M2M 2.0 covers: M2M market growth, structure and dynamics; business models; the best role(s) for telcos; and leading thinking from Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone, Telenor, KPN and Swisscom. It describes how 'Service Enablers' are key to the telco opportunity in M2M in addition to connectivity. (July 2011)

RIM: R.I.P. or ‘Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated’?
Jul 6, 2011
RIM’s shares have plummeted in value over the last four months, prompting an eruption of finger-pointing in the media and speculation of its demise or acquisition. In this analysis we examine whether the doom-mongers are right and what RIM’s recovery strategy might be. (July 2011)

Strategy 2.0: What Skype + Microsoft means for telcos
Jun 15, 2011
In theory, Microsoft and Skype have the resources, the brands, the customer base and the know-how to shape the future of telecoms and become a strategic counterweight to Apple and Google. Can they do it – and what should telcos’ strategy be? (June 2011)
Cloud 2.0: Telcos to grow Revenues 900% by 2014
Jun 1, 2011
Telcos should grow Cloud Services revenues nine-fold and triple their overall market share in the next three years according to delegates at the May 2011 EMEA Executive Brainstorm. But which are the best opportunities and strategies? (June 2011)
Mobile Broadband Economics: LTE 'Not Enough'
May 25, 2011
Innovation appears to be flourishing in mobile broadband. At the Telco 2.0 EMEA Executive Brainstorm earlier this month we saw working applications that enable a.) users to monitor and control their network usage and services and b.) operators to support 'dynamic pricing'. Despite growing enthusiasm for LTE, delegates considered offloading traffic and network sharing strategies as at least as effective in managing costs. (May 2011) |
Telco 2.0 Strategy: New Growth needs New Metrics
May 18, 2011
‘What gets measured gets done’, and telcos need to use new metrics to uncover and develop new sources of value. They also need to make WAC a ‘JFDI’ initiative. These and other top level Telco 2.0 strategic themes from the May 2011 EMEA Telco 2.0 Executive Brainstorm. (May 2011) |
LTE & Wholesale: Time to Get Aggressive?
May 4, 2011
We examine four examples of the growing trend of wholesale-oriented LTE operations, their key challenges and opportunities, and recommend that incumbent operators should be more aggressive in wholesale. (May 2010) |
New Business Models: Half Future Telco Growth
Apr 20, 2011
Senior industry executives in Palo Alto at the 12th Telco 2.0 Executive Brainstorm agreed that half of the telco growth available in the next 3 years would come from the new business model opportunities identified in the ‘Roadmap to new Telco 2.0 Business Models’ report. The other half would come from improvements to the current business model. Headline findings in brief. (April 2011) |
The Roadmap to New Telco 2.0 Business Models
Apr 13, 2011
This Strategy Report plots the transformational path that telcos need to follow to achieve the $375Bn p.a. 'Telco 2.0' opportunities. It describes the six growth opportunity areas for the Telecoms industry, identifies new categories of operators, benchmarks the primary strategies needed by each to evolve and thrive in the new industry environment, and highlights leading examples of telco business model innovation. It has 284 pages, including a 13 page Executive Summary and a detailed index. (April 2011.) |
Public Wifi: Destroying LTE/Mobile Value?
Apr 7, 2011
By building or acquiring Public WiFi networks for tens of $Ms, highly innovative fixed players in the UK are stealthily removing $Bns of value from 3G and 4G mobile spectrum as smartphone and other data devices become increasingly carrier agnostic. What are the lessons globally? (April 2011)

Tablet Frenzy: Network Poison or Economic Palliative?
Mar 23, 2011
The success of the iPad2 has been seen by some as a sign of a paradigm shift in computing. With their theoretical appeal as a new portable medium for online video consumption could tablets have a significant impact on communications networks and economics? Here is Telco 2.0’s market outlook. (March 2011)

Arete Research: Getting to a Billion Smartphones in 2013
Mar 23, 2011
Smartphones have already transformed the device market but are growth predictions vastly underestimated? Arete Research explain how smartphones growth will mirror that of low cost handsets and reach a billion by 2013. (March 2011)

Android: Google's Anti-Apple Virus?
Mar 17, 2011
It can be tempting to think of Android as in a two-horse race with Apple. Our analysis shows that the current and future impact of Google's highly successful mobile ecosystem play is much more complex. (March 2011)
Mobile World Congress: Microsoft CEO fails to land all punches, but...
Feb 24, 2011
Microsoft's pugilistic CEO Steve Ballmer came out fighting at the 2011 GSMA Mobile World Congress, but failed to register a convincing win. Is this the start of the old software champ's great comeback in mobile, or is the only way down? Our hunch may surprise you. (February, 2011)
Facing up to Facebook
Dec 14, 2010
Despite a >500 million user base and global media hype, Facebook needs more revenues than advertising can bring, and sees communications as a key area to target as its deal with Skype has shown. Telco 2.0's detailed analysis of Facebook's business model and strategy. (Executive Video Briefing, December 2010) |
Telcos vs. Internet Players: Act before it’s too late
Dec 14, 2010
There's less than 3 years for telcos to take advantage of key strategic ‘control points’ in their battle for sustainable growth in the communications and e-commerce markets, concluded delegates at the Telco 2.0 EMEA Brainstorm in November. How should they think differently about their value and where do they need to (re)focus their attention? Full report from the Brainstorm. (Executive Briefing, December 2010) |
$Multi-Billion Telco 2.0 Growth Opportunities in North America: Can Telcos Act in Time?
Nov 3, 2010
An initial summary of the key out-takes from the 10th Telco 2.0 Americas Executive Brainstorm (incorporating Digital Entertainment 2.0) held in Santa Monica, Los Angeles, October 28-29, 2010. 92% of participants agreed it is time to make either a step change in key functions (34%) or initiate a fundamental transformation (58%) in the next 12-18 months. (November 2010) |
Facebook: Moving into Telco Space?
Oct 13, 2010
Telco 2.0’s analysis of Facebook’s business model shows that the social networking giant may need to turn to communications for much needed new revenues. (October 2010) |
10 'Innovation Principles' for success in a disrupted marketplace
Sep 29, 2010
- 10 generic action-oriented principles of innovation which are applicable to, and adoptable by, all companies within the disrupted Telco, Media and Technology industries regardless of their vision or strategy. (Executive Briefing, September 2010.)
Net Neutrality 2.0: Don't Block the Pipe, Lubricate the Market
Sep 14, 2010
- ‘Net Neutrality’ has gathered increasing momentum as a market issue, with AT&T, Verizon, major European telcos and Google and others all making their points in advance of the Ofcom, EC, and FCC consultation processes. This is Telco 2.0’s input, analysis and recommendations. (Sept 2010, Foundation 2.0)
Vodafone 360 on Android, iTunes: Now Getting it Right?
Aug 24, 2010
- Vodafone 360 was meant to be a new, social-network centred approach to managing the customer interface. Unfortunately, it was also bug-ridden and dogged by a lack of clarity of purpose. Now, its availability on Android Market and iTunes may create a strategic opportunity for Vodafone to access more customers. (August 2010)
Entertainment 2.0: New Sources of Revenue for Telcos?
Aug 20, 2010
- Telco assets and capabilities could be used much more to help Film, TV and Gaming companies optimize their beleaguered business model. An extract from our new 38 page Executive Briefing report examining the opportunities for ‘Hollywood’ and telcos. (August 2010, Foundation 2.0)
Devices 2.0: 'Beyond Smartphones' - Innovation Strategies for Operators
Aug 2, 2010
- Managing the role of new device categories in new and existing fixed and mobile business models is a key strategic challenge for operators. This report includes analysis of the practicalities and challenges of creating customised devices, best / worst practice, inserting ‘control points’ in open products, the role of 'ODMs', and reviews leading alternative approaches. (Executive Briefing, August 2010)
Mobile Devices: Fight Club
Aug 2, 2010
- The device market has been transformed by smartphones and tablets but who do institutional investors see as the winners and losers? From our Partners at Arete Research
Is Ribbit worth $105m to BT yet?
Jul 14, 2010
- How is the strategic rationale for BT’s acquisition of Ribbit as their ‘Voice 2.0’ platform working out? We spoke with Crick Waters, Ribbit's co-founder and EVP. (July 2010)
New Strategy Report: Telco 2.0 Case Directory - 5 'Use Cases', 10 Case Studies
Jul 6, 2010
- A new 255 page report describing 5 new 'Use Cases', detailed descriptions / mini business cases for new, near term Telco 2.0 applications. The report also details 10 Case Studies from Telecoms and adjacent industries that illustrate key principles and early market progress.
Future Broadband: “Happy Pipes”: worth $416Bn by 2020?
Jun 15, 2010
- The worldwide broadband access market has the potential to grow to $416bn by 2020, if operators embrace the “Happy Pipe” concept. Headline forecasts and analysis from the Telco 2.0 Strategy Report “Mobile, Fixed and Wholesale Broadband Business Models: Best Practice Innovation, ‘Telco 2.0' Opportunities, Forecasts and Future Scenarios”.
New Telco Growth: is Time Running Out?
Jun 9, 2010
- At a time when telcos are being re-rated as quasi utilities by investors, the importance of creating sophisticated and effective strategies for new growth is becoming ever more pressing. But the recent Telco 2.0 ‘Executive Brainstorm’ demonstrated that the clock is ticking fast and the opportunity could slip away from Telcos as nimbler competitors from adjacent industries take the value. (June 2010)
Optimising Mobile Broadband Economics: Key Issues and Next Steps
May 26, 2010
- The Executive Summary and extract from a report on key issues for operators seeking to optimise mobile broadband network economics which were debated at the recent Telco 2.0 EMEA Brainstorm in London. (Special Briefing, May 2010)
Telco 2.0 in Hollywood: ‘There’s Gold in Them Thar Hills’
May 12, 2010
- 'Hollywood' and Telecoms are eyeing the prospects of making (more) money from online video distribution. But how should they develop their strategies, and can they collaborate for greater mutual benefit? An initial report from the 1st Hollywood-Telco International Executive Brainstorm held in Los Angeles on 5th May. (May 2010)
Enterprise 2.0: Machine-to-machine - opening for business
May 6, 2010
- Machine-To-Machine (M2M) appears to be finally coming of age and 'horizontal' / 'two-sided' business models look to be a key part of an effective growth strategy for operators. A Telco 2.0 summary and analysis of leading-edge progress, including an advanced case study from Telenor Objects, and new research from Intel, Ericsson and SAP, presented at the 9th Telco 2.0 Executive Brainstorm. (April 2010)
The 7 Top Themes of Telco 2.0, Spring 2010
May 6, 2010
- There was a lot of brainpower, energy and great debate at last week’s Executive Brainstorm. Here’s our top level take of emerging themes on: M2M; Bloated Broadband Economics; Google, Apple and Facebook; Leveraging Consumer Data; The Capital Markets; Smartphones and Apps; and the ‘Roadmap’ for Change. (May 2010)
The Impact of Netflix: Can Telcos Help Hollywood?
Apr 21, 2010
- As Apple’s business model transformed digital music, the success of Netflix’s subscription business model is changing the dynamics of the Film and TV industry. We examine how telcos can help Hollywood with online distribution to survive and thrive in these turbulent times. (April 2010)
Enterprise Voice 2.0: Ecosystem, Species and Strategies
Apr 20, 2010
- Analysis of the structure of the Enterprise Voice 2.0 market ecosystem, the business models and value networks within it, and conclusions as to what operators can do in order to benefit from it. (April 2010)
Can Telcos Unlock the Value of their Consumer Data?
Apr 9, 2010
- Telcos have a significant market opportunity to act as custodians of 'digital personas', giving consumers the power to exploit their own data. This is an extract from a special 100 page report containing expert contributions and detailed analysis on privacy issues, legal and regulatory frameworks, technological solutions, adjacent competition, and including ‘best and next practice’ and scenario analysis, from the 1st Telco 2.0 International Summit on Consumer Data and Privacy. (Special Report, April 2010)
Mobile Advertising and Marketing: Operator and Market Growth Strategies 2010
Apr 9, 2010
- From SMS, through Smartphone and browser Apps, the potential of mobile marketing has long been understood and yet unfulfilled. This new report gives our forecasts, plus how Telcos can make the most of the powerful assets available to them to take a valuable role in this market before it is too late. Report extract included here. (Executive Briefing, April 2010)
M2M / Embedded Market Overview, Healthcare Focus, and Strategic Options
Mar 30, 2010
- 'Machine to Machine' (M2M) / ‘Embedded’ solutions have high growth potential but face big barriers too. An overview of the market, focusing on the cost-crisis needs of the Healthcare Sector, and reviewing strategic options for Telcos and other communications industry players. (March 2010)
RIM: how does the BlackBerry fit with Telco 2.0 strategies?
Mar 30, 2010
- Our analysis of how RIM’s BlackBerry business model may offer operators interesting near term opportunities to manage smartphone data traffic costs, and partner with to exploit future ‘Telco 2.0’ opportunities. (March 2010)
New Strategy Report: Mobile, Fixed and Wholesale Broadband Business Models
Mar 24, 2010
- A new 249 page Telco 2.0 Strategy Report on the future of broadband, including analysis of the latest new ideas in broadband business model innovation, new 'Telco 2.0' Opportunities, global forecasts, four future strategic scenarios, and a detailed 'Use Case' describing a new Managed Offload 'Use Case'. The report covers Mobile Broadband, Advanced New Wholesale, and Fixed Retail Broadband Business Models. (March 2010)
Digital Hollywood: How to 'Out-Apple' Apple?
Mar 24, 2010
- Apple is becoming an increasingly important distributor of Film and TV content online. But plans to sell films at $0.99 could cause massive disruption to the business models of the major studios. Telcos could offer a powerful alternative, not just as a retail channel but as an enabler of richer, more profitable interactions with consumers. (March 2010)
Mobile & Fixed Broadband Business Models: Four Strategy Scenarios
Mar 24, 2010
- An introduction to the four strategy scenarios we see playing out in the market - 'Telco 2.0 Player', 'Happy Piper', 'Device Specialist', and 'Government Department' – part of a major new report looking at innovation in mobile and fixed broadband business models. (March 2010, Foundation 2.0)
Apple vs. Nokia: strategic lessons from the Smartphone / Appstore Wars
Mar 17, 2010
- In the last quarter of 2009, Apple made more money from smartphones and applications than the formerly dominant Nokia. The contrast between their approaches to developer communities reveals important lessons in the design and management of ‘two-sided’ business model ecosystems. (March 2010)
Telecoms 2015: New Game, New Players, but Who Wins?
Mar 8, 2010
- The connected ‘digital economy’, underpinned by telecoms, is evolving fast. How will it play out in the next 5 years, what are the rules, and who will win? Telco 2.0 analyses some new scenario thinking by IBM and clarifies the key issues that need to be addressed.(March 2010)
Fixing Wireless Data Network Economics
Mar 4, 2010
- The growth in mobile data, and in particular mobile video, is placing increasing strains on the cost structure of some mobile networks. Telco 2.0 is undertaking a syndicated study to define the economic choke points, and propose alternate business model solutions. (March 2010)
Defining the Telco 2.0 Ecosystems
Mar 3, 2010
- An overview of our forthcoming syndicated research project to define the vocabulary, describe the ecosystems, identify the key roles and size key Telco 2.0 applications identified in the 'Two-Sided' Telecoms Market Opportunity. (March 2010)
How Google's Chief Magician Stole the Show
Feb 19, 2010
- In his keynote address at Mobile World Congress, Dr. Eric Schmidt, Google's CEO, told the telecoms industry exactly which parts of their lunch Google will eat, while simultaneously appeared to offer peace. Our analysis of what he said and didn't say. (Feb 2010)
Mobile Advertising and Marketing: Text-based Local Search Use Case
Jan 1, 2010
- This new "Use Case" shows a practical and detailed new application of Telco 2.0 ideas to Digital Marketing, including the customer experience and outline business case. (Executive Briefing, January 2010)
2009 Review: Telco 2.0 Readers' Top 10 Articles
Dec 18, 2009
- Accelerating development in 'two-sided' business telecoms models, all things Google, and the growing challenges for Mobile Broadband were the big themes in 2009 among our readers. (December 2009)
New Opportunities in Online Content Distribution
Dec 1, 2009
- As part of our new 'Broadband End-Games' report, we’ve been defining in detail the opportunities for telcos to distribute 3rd party content and digital goods in new ways. (December 2009)
Telenor’s Voice 2.0 Strategy: ‘Mobilt Bedriftsnett’ Case Study
Dec 1, 2009
- Telenor’s new ‘Mobile Business Network’ integrates SME’s mobile and fixed phone systems via managed APIs, providing added functionality and delivering greater business efficiency. It uses a ‘two-sided’ business model strategy and targets the market via developers. (December 2009)
'Demolition Derby' for Smartphones in 2010
Dec 1, 2009
- 'Hyper-competition' in the mobile handset market, particularly in 'smartphones', will drive growth in 2010, but also emaciate profits for the majority of manufacturers. Predicted winners, losers and other consequences from Telco 2.0 partners Arete Research. (December 2009)
Shareholder Value 2.0: Investors now rating telcos as ‘utilities’. How to respond?
Nov 23, 2009
- Financial markets now value Telco stocks for stability and Techs for growth. Telcos must deliver on efficiency promises to earn support for growth. Technology companies must prove staying power. How can business model innovation help all parties? (November 2009)
ITU World 2009: Telecoms too important to leave to Telcos?
Nov 10, 2009
- Government imperatives around economic growth, climate change, healthcare and education may be superseding concerns about "the market". Telcos may face a future in which they are smaller fish in a larger ‘ICT' sea. (November 2009)
Amazon 2.0: Four Levels of Strategic Business Model Transformation
Nov 10, 2009
- Amazon's stock continues to beat the bull market. Its success is based on a four level transformation to a ‘two-sided' strategy. What are the lessons for would-be platform players, including fledgling ‘Telco2.0s' and software platform owners? (November 2009, Foundation 2.0)
Mobile Software Platforms: Rapid Consolidation Forecast
Nov 10, 2009
- New analysis by Telco 2.0 partners, Arete Research, suggests that only only three or four mobile handset software platforms will remain by 2012. (November 2009)
Strategy 2.0: $375 Bn ‘two-sided’ market opportunity update (Part 2)
Oct 21, 2009
- An update on the potential of new ‘two-sided' business models to increase shareholder value, leverage customer data assets, and create a valuable position in delivering consumer services. (October 2009)
Google: Where to cooperate? Where to compete?
Oct 20, 2009
- Our new Executive Briefing report analysing Google's strategy includes recommendations of how service providers can plan ‘coopetition’ with this very important player. (November 2009)
Strategy 2.0: The $375 billion opportunity - update (Part 1)
Oct 8, 2009
- In 2008 we identified a $375 billion opportunity for telecoms to help make media and other industries more efficient. We review the impact of broadband developments here. (October 2009)
Use Cases 2.0: Five new business models in action
Oct 7, 2009
- Detailed explorations of new concepts for: mobile marketing, mobile money, smart grids, mobile broadband, and SME services. (October 2009)