Maximising profits and staying relevant in a multi-media world: >$80bn to fight for
Summary: Our new research shows how telcos can slow the decline of voice and messaging revenues and build new communications services to maximise revenues and relevance with both consumer and enterprise customers. It includes detailed forecasts for 9 markets, in which the total decline is forecast between -25% and -46% on a $375bn base between 2012 and 2018, giving telcos an $80bn opportunity to fight for. It also shows impacts and implications for other technology players including vendors and partners, and general lessons for competing with disruptive players in all markets. It looks at the impact of so-called OTT competition, market trends and drivers, bundling strategies, operators developing their own Telco-OTT apps, advanced Enterprise Communications services, and the opportunities to exploit new standards such as RCS, WebRTC and VoLTE. (November 2013, Executive Briefing Service).

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This report is now availalable to members of our Telco 2.0 Research Executive Briefing Service. Below is an introductory extract and list of contents from this strategy Report that can be downloaded in full in PDF format by members of the executive Briefing Service here.
For more on any of these services, please email / call +44 (0) 207 247 5003
Background - 'Voice and Messaging 2.0'
This is the latest report in our analysis of developments and strategies in the field of voice and messaging services over the past seven years. In 2007/8 we predicted the current decline in telco provided services in Voice & Messaging 2.0 "What to learn from - and how to compete with - Internet Communications Services", further articulated strategic options in Dealing with the 'Disruptors': Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft/Skype and Amazon in 2011, and more recently published initial forecasts in European Mobile: The Future's not Bright, it's Brutal. We have also looked in depth at enterprise communications opportunities, for example in Enterprise Voice 2.0: Ecosystem, Species and Strategies, and trends in consumer behaviour, for example in The Digital Generation: Introducing the Participation Imperative Framework. For more on these reports and all of our other research on this subject please see here.
The New Report
This report provides an independent and holistic view of voice and messaging market, looking in detail at trends, drivers and detailed forecasts, the latest developments, and the opportunities for all players involved. The analysis will save valuable time, effort and money by providing more realistic forecasts of future potential, and a fast-track to developing and / or benchmarking a leading-edge strategy and approach in digital communications. It contains
- Our independent, external market-level forecasts of voice and messaging in 9 selected markets (US, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, UK, Italy, Singapore, Taiwan).
- Best practice and leading-edge strategies in the design and delivery of new voice and messaging services (leading to higher customer satisfaction and lower churn).
- The factors that will drive best and worst case performance.
- The intentions, strategies, strengths and weaknesses of formerly adjacent players now taking an active role in the V&M market (e.g. Microsoft)
- Case studies of Enterprise Voice applications including Twilio and Unified Communications solutions such as Microsoft Office 365
- Case studies of Telco OTT Consumer Voice and Messaging services such as like Telefonica’s TuGo
- Lessons from case studies of leading-edge new voice and messaging applications globally such as Whatsapp, KakaoTalk and other so-called 'Over The Top' (OTT) Players
It comprises a 18 page executive summary, 260 pages and 163 figures - full details below. Prices on application - please email or call +44 (0) 207 247 5003.
Benefits of the Report to Telcos, Technology Companies and Partners, and Investors
For a telco, this strategy report:
- Describes and analyses the strategies that can make the difference between best and worst case performance, worth $80bn (or +/-20% revenues) in the 9 markets we analysed.
- Externally benchmarks internal revenue forecasts for voice and messaging, leading to more realistic assumptions, targets, decisions, and better alignment of internal (e.g. board) and external (e.g. shareholder) expectations, and thereby potentially saving money and improving contributions.
- Can help improve decisions on voice and messaging services investments, and provides valuable insight into the design of effective and attractive new services.
- Enables more informed decisions on partner vs competitor status of non-traditional players in the V&M space with new business models, and thereby produce better / more sustainable future strategies.
- Evaluates the attractiveness of developing and/or providing partner Unified Communication services in the Enterprise market, and 'Telco OTT' services for consumers.
- Shows how to create a valuable and realistic new role for Voice and Messaging services in its portfolio, and thereby optimise its returns on assets and capabilities
For other players including technology and Internet companies, and telco technology vendors
- The report provides independent market insight on how telcos and other players will be seeking to optimise $ multi-billion revenues from voice and messaging, including new revenue streams in some areas.
- As a potential partner, the report will provide a fast-track to guide product and business development decisions to meet the needs of telcos (and others).
- As a potential competitor, the report will save time and improve the quality of competitor insight by giving strategic insights into the objectives and strategies that telcos will be pursuing.
For investors, it will:
- Improve investment decisions and strategies returning shareholder value by improving the quality of insight on forecasts and the outlook for telcos and other technology players active in voice and messaging.
- Save vital time and effort by accelerating decision making and investment decisions.
- Help them better understand and evaluate the needs, goals and key strategies of key telcos and their partners / competitors
The Future Value of Voice: Report Content Summary
- Executive Summary. (18 pages outlining the opportunity and key strategic options)
- Introduction. Disruption and transformation, voice vs. telephony, and scope.
- The Transition in User Behaviour. Global psychological, social, pricing and segment drivers, and the changing needs of consumer and enterprise markets.
- What now makes a winning Value Proposition? The fall of telephony, the value of time vs telephony, presence, Online Service Provider (OSP) competition, operators' responses, free telco offerings, re-imaging customer service, voice developers, the changing telephony business model.
- Market Trends and other Forecast Drivers. Model and forecast methodology and assumptions, general observations and drivers, 'Peak Telephony/SMS', fragmentation, macro-economic issues, competitive and regulatory pressures, handset subsidies.
- Country-by-Country Analysis. Overview of national markets. Forecast and analysis of: UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Taiwan, Singapore, Canada, US, other markets, summary and conclusions.
- Technology: Products and Vendors' Approaches. Unified Comminications. Microsoft Office 365, Skype, Cisco, Google, WebRTC, Rich Communications Service (RCS), Broadsoft, Twilio, Tropo, Voxeo, Hypervoice, Calltrunk, Operator voice and messaging services, summary and conclusions.
- Telco Case Studies. Vodafone 360, One Net and RED, Telefonica Digital, Tu Me, Tu Go, Bluvia and AT&T.
- Summary and Conclusions. Consumer, enterprise, technology and Telco OTT.
Companies, organisations and product brands covered include: Vodafone 360, One Net, RED, Telefonica Digital, Tu Me, Tu Go, Bluvia, Free Wi-Fi, AT&T VOIP, UC, Watson,. Microsoft Office 365, Skype, Cisco, Google, WebRTC, Rich Communications Service (RCS), VoLTE, Broadsoft, Twilio, Tropo, Voxeo, Hypervoice, Calltrunk, Kakaotalk, Whatsapp, LINE, Twitter, Facebook.
Related industry terms include: Unified Communications, Online Service Providers (OSP), Telco OTT, 'Over The Top' (OTT) Players, Enterprise Communications Services, Communications Enabled Business Processes (CEBP), APIs.
This report is now availalable to members of our Telco 2.0 Research Executive Briefing Service. Below is an introductory extract and list of contents from this strategy Report that can be downloaded in full in PDF format by members of the executive Briefing Service here. To order or find out more please email , call +44 (0) 207 247 5003.