Telco 2.0™ Research

The Future Of Telecoms And How To Get There

Verizon Wireless’ volte-face: Virtue or Vice?

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"Verizon Wireless will open up its network to any device that a partner wishes to bring along. What are the business model implications and how should Verizon finesse this into a Telco 2.0 play?"

For those whose job isn’t to surf the web, the summary is that pace certification testing by Verizon’s labs, and an unknown amount of bizdev negotiation, you can attach any device you like to the Verizon Wireless network. If you had to sum up Verizon’s strategy to date, it would be “Execute!”. They’ve simply done a great job of merging Airtouch, GTE and other properties; building out more coverage than the opposition; keeping an adequate level of handset and content innovation; and generally not screwing up.

The key details of the new offer — price, process and terms — remain hidden behind the PR fog. So what’s the unique Telco 2.0 slant on the news? When the market leader switches strategy, it’s not some short-term panic over Apple, Google, WiMax or spectrum auctions. It’s part of the deeper structural shifts in progress. So as we were in the final assembly stage of our Broadband Business Models 2.0 report, here’s what was on our minds about the future of connected devices:

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