The definitive evaluation of leading CSPs’ transformation performance
Summary: The Telco 2.0 Transformation Index helps telcos, their partners and investors improve returns on strategic investments and activities. This page details its benefits, who it is for, and product packages. (January 2014, Executive Briefing Service, Transformation Stream). |
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For more on the Index please email call +44 (0) 207 247 5003.
Key Role of the Research
The Index profiles how leading CSPs are performing against a robust transformation framework, benchmarks the CSPs through rankings and comparative analysis, and provides insight through a combination of data-driven and subjective STL Partners expert analysis.
Operators Covered in Tranche #1
The first tranche of the research will examine the performance of 5 comparable telcos from around the world:
There is an
overall benchmarking report, and additional telcos will be added to the analysis subsequently.
Benefits of the Service to Telcos, Vendors and Investors
For the telcos covered:
- Improve new revenue growth, return on investment and shareholder value by improving the quality of key decisions (e.g. strategy, organisation and performance, with an emphasis on forward-looking analysis of positioning, capabilities and approach to transformation and developing future sources of value) against a background of 20-30% decline in core revenues (the $400Bn ‘Digital Hunger Gap’);
- Save vital time and effort by accelerating internal decision making and speed to market;
- Rapidly challenge / validate their strategy and services against relevant ‘best in class’, including their peers, ‘OTT players’ and other leaders in the new digital economy.
For telcos not covered, in addition:
- Where operating in the same markets, the Index will provide an independent reference point on likely future competitive ability and collaborative potential.
- For these and telcos operating in other markets it will also provide a source of ideas for areas of potential development, and a benchmark for comparative progess in transformation.
For vendors either partnering with or wishing to partner with these telcos, it will:
- Help to improve revenue outlook, return on investment and shareholder value by improving the quality of insight to strategic decisions, opportunities and threats faced by their clients;
- Provide a holistic point of reference for the telcos' strategies, and a guide to areas of potential opportunity in terms of what capabilities need to be improved, transformed and developed.
- Save vital time and effort by accelerating internal decision making and speed to market, both internally and with their clients;
- Allow them to better understand and evaluate their clients’ needs, goals and key strategies.
For investors, it will:
- Improve investment decisions and strategies returning shareholder value by improving the quality of insight on the outlook of key telcos facing 20-30% declines in core revenues and the value network serving / competing with them;
- Save vital time and effort by accelerating decision making and investment decisions;
- Help them better understand and evaluate the needs, goals and key strategies of key telcos and their partners / competitors.
- Provide an independent and forward-looking view of the market prospects of the telcos covered, and benchmarks to compare to other telcos.
- Show areas in which investors should expect telcos to be expressing and implementing clear strategies to maximise shareholder value, and outline our considered view of the strategic prospects for these companies.
An example extract of Telefonica's Markets and Postioning analysis is available to subscribers to the Telco 2.0 Executive Briefing Service and can be found here.
Who is it for?
Communication Service Providers:
- Senior executives focused on company transformation – CEO, CMO, CIO, CTO, CSO, COO
- Strategists focused on future company opportunities
- Marketers seeking to deliver new products and services for customers
- Technologists wanting to understand how technology is supporting transformation
- Operations and HR executives working on the best organisation structures and processes for their organisations
- Finance staff that wish to benchmark financial performance among CSPs and determine new Telco 2.0 financial and operational metrics
CSP partner companies from the realms of network and technology, internet and digital commerce, media and content, advertising and retail, financial services, start-ups and developers:
- Senior executives and strategic marketers focused on their company’s strategic positioning vis-à-vis CSPs
- Account teams responsible for engaging with CSPs
- Product developers that are creating solutions for CSPs
Investors seeking to understand where to place their bets with CSPs
How is it Unique?
The Telco 2.0 Transformation Index is the world’s first benchmark of Communications Service Providers’ journeys to sustainable new business models. It draws on STL Partners’ unparalleled thought-leadership and experience in driving innovation and growth in telecoms, and:
- Explores the transformation performance of leading communications services providers
- Focuses on specific actions of individual players not just high-level industry-wide assessment
- Covers a broad range of existing and new service opportunities for communications services providers and their partners
- Recognises that Telco 2.0 is not just about launching a few ‘digital services’
- Comprehensively assesses all the skills, assets and relationships that are needed to deliver Telco 2.0 successfully – both internal and external
- Explores Telco 2.0 transformation in the context of the broader marketplace
- Appreciates that individual communications service providers do not operate in isolation but compete in telecoms markets with different dynamics and in the wider global internet services market
- Quantifies transformation performance based on hard data (where available) and assessment from experienced analysts (who focus only on new business models in the digital space)
- Objective, independent analysis supported by desk research involving hundreds of data sources plus interviews and surveys conducted within the industry
- Offers concrete and specific recommendations for accelerating Telco 2.0 transformation for the individual communications service providers covered and the industry as a whole
- More than just analysis – a source of strategic guidance
Telco 2.0 Tranformation Index: Research Products, Packages and Pricing
The products are:
- An Overall Benchmarking Analysis Report with comparison Scores for 5 leading CSPs
- Five detailed Telco 2.0 Transformation 'CSP Analysis Packs' with in-depth analysis of the markets, performance and outlook for each of the CSPs, including detailed data files for: Telefonica; Ooredoo (formely Qtel); SingTel; Verizon; and AT&T.
- Each CSP Pack comprises a summary plus detailed analyses of Markets and Positioning; Service Offerings; Value Networks; Technology; and Finances.
Please see here for detail on
The Methodology and Approach of the Telco 2.0 Transformation Index.
Pricing and Features
- The research will be delivered in Powerpoint show format containing interactive hyperlinks allowing in-depth exploration and comparisons, plus a detailed Excel Data file for each operator.
- Prices on application - please email or call +44 (0) 207 247 5003.
In the following short video, Chris Barraclough, Telco 2.0's Chief Strategist and leader of the T2TI Project gives a succinct introduction to the service, its design and its benefits.