Digital Things: EMEA Executive Brainstorm 2013, Day Two (Thursday 6 June)

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New Opportunities in M2M and the Internet of Things. Presentations from the Digital Things stream of the New Digital Economics Brainstorm, 6th June 2013, in London.

0830 Welcome, Agenda, Introductions & Warm Up

Host: Robin Duke Woolley, CEO & Founder, Beecham Research

Moderator: Philip Laidler, Consulting Director, STL Partners/Telco 2.0 Initiative (download here)

0900 Market Evolution towards Internet of Things

Click here to view Cisco's introductory presentation "Tomorrow Starts Here"

Part 1

Robin Duke Woolley, CEO, Beecham Research (download here)

Jason Tyne, Partner, Made (download here)

Usman Haque, Founder, (download here)

Part 2

Juergen Hase, Head of M2M Competence Center, Deutsche Telekom (download here)

James Clifton, COO, Evrythng (download here)

Rodolphe Baronnet-Fruges, VP International Business Development, SigFox (download here)


1300 IOT Platform Requirements

William Webb, Chief Strategy Officer, Neul (download here)

Daniel Appelquist, Open Web Advocate, Telefonica Digital (download here)

Roland Klemann, Director Service Provider, Cisco (download here)

Paul Green, Marketing and Technology Director, Arkessa (download here)