Summary: How can communications services providers (CSPs) transform their businesses from Telco 1.0 (infrastructure-led stasis) to Telco 2.0 (sustainable innovation-led growth)? An essential, step-by-step guide to the implementation of new Telco 2.0 business models, providing telecoms executives and their partner companies with a systematic approach to capitalise on new opportunities and neutralise potential threats. The report outlines robust frameworks and methodologies for selecting the right Telco 2.0 strategy for each organization, identifying and implementing the key opportunities, and avoiding expensive and time-consuming mistakes. (December 2012, Telco 2.0 Transformation Stream)
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This report is now part of our Telco 2.0 Transformation Stream, members of the stream can donwload a copy of the report here.
To order the report please email or call +44 (0) 207 247 5003. NB this Strategy Report is not included as part of the Telco 2.0 Executive Briefing Subscription Service only the Telco 2.0 Transformation Stream.
Content Overview
Key Benefits
We've published the following brief excepts from the report: Strategy 2.0: From infrastructure to innovation and customer intimacy and Innovation Strategies: Telefonica 2.0 Vs. Vodafone 2.0.
Section |
Sub-sections |
Part One: Identifying Telco 2.0 Opportunities |
Developing the Right Telco 2.0 Strategy |
Identifying & Prioritising Telco 2.0 Innovations |
Part Two: Implementing Telco 2.0 Opportunities |
Introduction |
Service Offerings: Bringing Telco 2.0 Propositions to Market |
Value Network: Internal - Getting the Organisation Right to Deliver Telco 2.0 Innovation |
Value Network: External – Partnering to Grow the Pie |
Technology: Prioritising Activities to Support Business Transformation |
Finance: Optimising the Telco 2.0 Revenue & Cost Model |
Marketplace: Managing the Regulatory Environment |
To order please email or call +44 (0) 207 247 5003.
For Telcos:
• What are the key Telco 2.0 strategy options and how can they create value?
• How to determine the optimal Telco 2.0 strategy for your business?
• Where to play in the value chain?
• How to source and prioritise new Telco 2.0 ideas and opportunities?
• How to develop new Telco 2.0 services?
• What organization structure and processes are required to support Telco 2.0?
• Who to partner with and how?
• How to prioritise OSS and BSS projects to deliver Telco 2.0?
• How to optimize the revenue and cost model for services?
• How to work with the regulator to maximize value for consumers, enterprises and the telecoms industry?
For Vendors and Partners:
• How are communications service providers implementing Telco 2.0?
• How well does your offering support the implementation of Telco 2.0 strategies in your key customers?
• What are the specific opportunities for your organization to add value to your customers?
Telcos referenced: Vodafone, KPN, BT, Deutsche Telekom, 3, Etisalat, Orange, SingTel, Telenor, Telefonica, Verizon, AT&T.
Technology companies and brands referenced: Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook.
Industry terms referenced: API, app, appstore, identity, authorisation, B2B VAS, customer data, customer profiling, zero-rated data, digital advertising and marketing, mobile payments, happy pipe, service provider, location, platform, two-sided business models, wholesale, strategy, implementation, telecom, innovation, transformation.
Products and technologies referenced: SMS, voice, content, digital services, LTE.