AT&T: to be a 'Personal Information Agent'

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Summary: Von Wright, VP Cloud & Wholesale Services, describes how AT&T plans to put consumers in control of their own data, and take the role of an agent or broker for their Personal Information. (Nov 2010, Executive Briefing Service, Dealing with Disruption Stream).


We interviewed Von following his presentation at the Consumer Data 2.0 workstream at the 10th Telco 2.0 Americas Brainstorm in Los Angeles, October 2010. NB. For a full report of the top-line brainstorm findings, please see $Multi-Billion Telco 2.0 Growth Opportunities in North America: Can Telcos Act in Time?

In the interview, Von outlines his views on the emerging 'Personal Information Economy' and how AT&T intend to participate.

There are further videos of Google's Eric Sachs on Strategic 'Co-opetition' with Telcos on Consumer Data, and Microsoft's Marc Davis on Why Telcos Must Act Now - or Lose The Opportunity to play a role in this emerging sector.

There's more on this topic in the 'User Data & Privacy' content stream, including Customer Data 2.0: Telcos Must Vie for a slice of the $Multi-Billion ‘PIE’ and Can Telcos Unlock the Value of their Consumer Data?.